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Health Conditions That May Affect Your Candidacy for Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, has gained popularity for its ability to enhance features and simplify daily beauty routines. While it offers numerous benefits, not everyone is an ideal candidate. Certain health conditions can influence whether permanent makeup is a safe and suitable option. In this blog post, we'll explore these conditions to help you make informed decisions about this cosmetic procedure.

Autoimmune Disorders:

Individuals with autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis may not be ideal candidates for permanent makeup. These conditions often involve an overactive immune system, which could lead to complications during the healing process. An overactive immune system tends to trigger higher levels of inflammation. In the context of healing, this can lead to more pronounced redness, swelling, and discomfort at the site. Excessive inflammation may extend the healing process and affect the PMU appearance during the initial stages. A vigorous immune response could potentially affect the retention of the ink. During the healing process, some ink particles are naturally expelled from the skin by immune cells. With an overactive immune system, this process might be more pronounced, potentially leading to fading or uneven coloring.

Tattoos heal through a process where the immune system plays a role in removing damaged tissue and foreign ink particles. However, an overactive immune response might lead to the prolonged presence of inflammatory cells at the site, causing slower healing than an individual with a healthy immune system. This could increase the risk of infections, which can lead to complications during the healing process.


People with diabetes should approach permanent makeup with caution. Diabetes can affect the body's ability to heal properly, potentially leading to complications like delayed recovery or infection. Individuals with diabetes often experience slower wound healing due to impaired circulation and reduced immune function. This can result in delayed recovery times and an increased risk of infection at the PMU site. Additionally, diabetes-related fluctuations in blood sugar levels may lead to unpredictable outcomes in pigment retention, potentially affecting the long-term appearance of the PMU.

Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders:

Conditions that affect blood clotting, like hemophilia, can pose risks during and after the procedure. These conditions elevate the risk of excessive bleeding during and after the PMU application, which can impede the normal healing process and the ability to accept the ink. The body's ability to form clots to stop bleeding is compromised, potentially leading to prolonged recovery periods and heightened vulnerability to complications. It's imperative for individuals with these conditions to consult with their healthcare providers and PMU artists to assess the suitability and potential risks associated with PMU procedures.

Skin Conditions:

Certain skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or active acne, can impact the success of permanent makeup. Skin irregularities can affect pigment retention and lead to undesirable results. Individuals with these conditions may have skin that is more sensitive, inflamed, or prone to flare-ups. As a result, the PMU procedure may exacerbate these conditions, leading to increased discomfort, prolonged recovery times, and potential complications. Additionally, skin irregularities can affect pigment retention, making it challenging for the PMU to achieve the desired results. PMU artists should carefully assess the suitability of performing procedures on individuals with skin conditions and may need to adapt their techniques or postpone treatment until the skin is in a more favorable condition.


Individuals with severe allergies or sensitivities to pigments or topical anesthetics should exercise caution. Allergies can significantly affect the healing process in PMU procedures due to the potential for allergic reactions to pigments or the ingredients in tattoo aftercare products. Individuals with allergies may experience itching, redness, swelling, and discomfort at the PMU site, which can disrupt the normal healing process. These reactions can lead to the premature removal of pigment particles and may result in uneven coloring or undesirable outcomes.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Pregnant women are generally advised to postpone permanent makeup procedures until after pregnancy and breastfeeding. The primary concern is safety for both the mother and the developing fetus. While there is limited research on the specific effects of PMU during pregnancy, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes during this time, which can impact skin texture, pigment retention, and overall healing. Furthermore, there's a heightened risk of infection during pregnancy, and any procedure that punctures the skin, including PMU, may carry a slightly increased risk. To prioritize the well-being of both the expectant mother and the baby, it's recommended to wait until after pregnancy and breastfeeding to consider PMU, ensuring a safe and optimal experience. Always consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing any cosmetic procedures during pregnancy.


Certain medications can potentially affect an individual's candidacy for permanent makeup procedures. Medications such as blood thinners and specific acne medications may increase the risk of complications during and after the PMU application. Blood thinners can lead to excessive bleeding, which can impede the procedure and extend the healing process. On the other hand, certain acne medications, such as isotretinoin (Accutane), can make the skin more sensitive and prone to adverse reactions, including delayed healing and scarring.


Individuals undergoing immunosuppressive treatments or with compromised immune systems should consult with their healthcare providers before considering permanent makeup. These conditions may lead to poor healing and increased infection risks. Immunosuppression weakens the body's ability to mount a robust immune response, increasing vulnerability to infections and impairing the normal healing process. This can result in prolonged recovery times, heightened risk of complications, and unpredictable outcomes for PMU.

History of Keloid Scarring:

Those with a history of keloid scarring should approach permanent makeup cautiously. The trauma to the skin during the procedure might trigger excessive scar tissue formation. Keloids are raised, thickened areas of scar tissue that form beyond the boundaries of the original injury site. Because PMU involves creating small punctures in the skin, there is a risk that keloid-prone individuals may develop excessive scar tissue at the PMU site, potentially altering the tattoo's appearance. To minimize the risk of keloid formation, it's crucial for individuals with this predisposition to consult their PMU artist and discuss their concerns. PMU artists can employ techniques and aftercare measures to reduce the likelihood of keloid scarring while still achieving desired cosmetic outcomes.

Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy:

Individuals who have recently undergone or are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may need to wait at least one year after completing their treatment before considering any permanent makeup procedure. Chemotherapy can impact the skin's texture, thickness, and sensitivity, making it essential to allow adequate time for the skin to recover and stabilize. PMU procedures performed too soon after chemotherapy may result in unpredictable outcomes and an increased risk of complications. Waiting for the recommended timeframe ensures a safer and more successful PMU experience, allowing the skin to regain its health and stability, and enabling individuals to enjoy the cosmetic benefits of PMU without unnecessary risks. It's advisable for those with a history of chemotherapy to consult their healthcare provider and PMU artist to determine the optimal timing for the procedure.

While permanent makeup can be a convenient and confidence-boosting option for many, it's crucial to prioritize safety and suitability. If you have any of the mentioned health conditions or other concerns, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider and PMU artist. Together, they can assess the individual's unique circumstances, discuss potential risks, and take necessary precautions to minimize complications and promote optimal healing in this specific population. Your health and well-being should always come first in the pursuit of beauty and self-expression.

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